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PROFEED DIURETIX is a blend of vitamin and herbal extracts that support kidney functions and excretory system in an organism. The product is recommended to support proper diuresis, detox, and blood filtration, especially after viral infections.

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PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICS: COL-CLOS is a highly-concentrated blend of plant-based natural oils and extracts particularly helpful in supporting digestive tract functioning, including metabolism and absorption processes. Thanks to tannins, resin compounds, flavonoid glycosides, and phenolic compounds, the product exhibits strong antimicrobial (antibacterial, antifulgal, and antiviral) and antiinflammatory properties. This natural and gentle, yet strong liquid is irreplacable in keeping your birds’ immune system in tip-top shape.

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PROFEED HERB contains the highest quality mix of herbal extracts from celandine, oregano, and globe artichoke, which improves feed testiness, has positive influence on appetite of animals, stimulates secretion of digestive enzymes of stomach and pancreas, increases secretion of the bile, and has an overall positive influence on digestive system. PROFEED HERB does not destroy natural flora of alimentary tract and can be given to the animals during all their life with no side effects

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PROFEED HERB contains the highest quality mix of herbal extracts from celandine, oregano, and globe artichoke, which improves feed testiness, has positive influence on appetite of animals, stimulates secretion of digestive enzymes of stomach and pancreas, increases secretion of the bile, and has an overall positive influence on digestive system. PROFEED HERB does not destroy natural flora of alimentary tract and can be given to the animals during all their life with no side effects

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PROFEED IMMUNO is a unique combination of herbal extracts that stimulate the immune system of an animal. The product increases the resistance of poultry.

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PROFEED LIVER supports liver functions, its physiological condition, protects against disadvantageous action of feed toxins, and reduces risk of hepatitis caused by viral infections. PROFEED LIVER is recommended to be used during a long-term antibiotic treatment of animals to protect liver cells against its degradation, occurring as result of medicine’s activity. Product has positive influence on animal’s metabolism and increases feed digestibility.

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PROFEED RESPIRAN contains special composition of herbal oils with antiseptic, disinfectant, and expectorant properties. Product widely and inexpensively reduces loses which cause inflammations of upper and lower respiratory tracts occurred in farm conditions. It purifies respiratory tract from retained secretion and regenerating epithelium of mucous membrane.

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PROFEED STRESS contains extracts of sedative herbs which act on nervous system. Product is a strong tranquilizer which can be used against animal anxiety, occurring during their transportation or migration and zootechnical or veterinary procedures. By administering PROFEED STRESS to animals we can protect them against losses in body weight, losses in daily weight gains, casualty and mechanical body harms. The product is not a medicine.

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