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PROFEED DIURETIX is a blend of vitamin and herbal extracts that support kidney functions and excretory system in an organism. The product is recommended to support proper diuresis, detox, and blood filtration, especially after viral infections.

Application: all technological groups of poultry


PROFEED DIURETIX is recommended to be used:

  • to support kidney functions
  • to support diuresis (urine production process) after medication overdose
  • to fight nephrolithiasis (kidney stones) and gout (high uric acid content in blood)
  • to treat indigestion


To support diuresis after medication overdose:

  • PROFEED DIURETIX 500 ml/ 1 000 liters of drinking water. Prepared solution should be administered for 3-5 days.

To fight kidney stones or gout:

  • PROFEED DIURETIX 500 ml/ 1 000 liters of drinking water administered for 3-5 days.

During indigestion or medicine overdose:

  • PROFEED DIURETIX 500 ml + PROFEED LIVER 0,5-1 liter/ 1 000 liters of drinking water administered for 3-5 days.

Composition (in 1 liter):

FEED MATERIALS: magnesium sulfate (11.2.3) (MgSO4 xH2O), sodium sulfate (11.4.6) (Na2SO4), sorbitol (13.5.5).

TECHNOLOGICAL ADDITIVES: Filipendula ulmaria extract (CoE 199) 450 000 mg, Elymus repens 250 000 mg, Petroselinum crispum (CoE 326), Ortosiphon aristatus 250 000 mg, vitamin A (3a672c) 1 000 000 IU (retinol propionate), vitamin C (3a300) 10 000 mg (L-ascorbic acid).

ANALYTICAL COMPONENTS ( in 1,0 l) : Na 6,6 g, raw proteins 0%, raw fat 0%, raw fiber 0%, raw ash 6%, lysine 0%, methionine 0%.

Withdrawal period: not applicable

Protect against: sun, temperature below +5°C and above +28°C. Store in securely closed, original packages.