PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICS: PROFEED AMINOVIT SUPER contains optimal composition of vitamins, amino acids,
and herbal extracts which improves physiological processes in animal
organism. Mentioned components ensure proper growth and functioning of
organism in each production period. Even small deficiency of nutrients has
sufficient influence on health and the shape of poultry what aggravates
production effect and brings economical loses. PROFEED AMINOVIT SUPER prevents the formation of vitamin and amino acids deficiency in
organism. It’s safe and does not cause any side effects.
PASSWORD: Regulates level of vitamins and amino acids
Application: All technological groups of poultry, ыцшту
PROFEED AMINOVIT SUPER is recommended to be used:
§ To complement deficiencies in
vitamins and amino acids
§ In stress situations
Poultry: 30-40 ml / 10 liters of drinking water,
for 8-12 hours a day, 3-5 days.
Piglets: 25-30 ml / 10 liters of
drinking water, for 8-12 hours a day, 3-5 days.
Pigs: 20 ml / 10 liters of drinking
water, for 8-12 hours a day, 3-5 days.
(in 1,0 l):
FEED MA (menadion)TERIALS: sodium chloride (11.4.1) (NaCl ), potassium chloride (11.5.1) (KCl).
DIETETIC ADDITIVES: <strong>Vitamins:</strong> choline (3a890) 18 000 mg (choline chloride), vitamin A (3a672c) 200 000 I.U. (propionan retinol), vitamin D<sub>3 </sub>(3a671)<sub> </sub>100 000 I.U. (cholecalciferol), vitamin B<sub>1 </sub>(3a821)<sub> </sub>400 mg (monochloride thiamine), vitamin B<sub>2</sub> 480 mg (riboflavin 5-Na-P), vitamin PP (3a315) 600 mg (nicotinamide), vitamin B<sub>5</sub> (3a841) 400 mg (D-calcium pantothenate), vitamin B<sub>6</sub> (3a831) 400 mg (pyridoxine hydrochloride), vitamin B<sub>9</sub> (3a316) 200 mcg (folic acid), vitamin B<sub>12</sub> 2 mg (cyanocobalamin), vitamin C (3a300) 600 mg (L-ascorbic acid), vitamin H (3a880) 3 mg (D-biotin) vitamin K<sub>3</sub> 50 mg, <strong>Amino acids:</strong> <span lang="EN">aspartic acid 87 mg</span>, <span lang="EN">glutamic acid 146 mg, </span>arginine (3c3.6.1) 1200 mg, L-lysin (3.2.3) 1 500 mg, <span class="shorttext"><span lang="EN">alanine 40 mg, </span></span><span lang="EN"> </span><span class="shorttext"><span lang="EN">proline 50 mg,</span></span>, <span class="shorttext"><span lang="EN">serine 42 mg,</span></span><span lang="EN"> </span>glycine (3c3.7.2) 800 mg, <span lang="EN">phenylalanine 25 mg, isoleucine (3c3.8.1) 44 mg,</span><span lang="EN"> </span>L-threonine (3c410) 750 mg, L-valine (3c3.7.1) 720 mg, <span class="shorttext"><span lang="EN">histidine 14 mg, tyrosine (3c401) 23 mg,</span></span><span lang="EN"> </span>DL-methionine (3c307) 430 mg, L-tryptophan (3.4.1) 115 mg, L-cysteine (3c391) 55 mg. <strong>Trace elements:</strong> I (3b201) 120 mg (potassium iodide).<o:p></o:p>
ANALYTICAL COMPONENTS (in 1,0 l): Na 390 mg, raw proteins 9,8%, raw fat 0%, raw fiber 0%, raw ash 1%.<strong><o:p></o:p></strong>
period: not
animals only
against: sun, temperature below +5°C,
above +28°C. Store in closed, original packages.
VOLUME: 250 ml